Changing your Home in 2021

2020 has taken its toll on the world, our economy and how we live our life. When the world shuts down (more than once), and everything happens from home, your space becomes VERY important.

Now, more than ever, our home has become not only a home – but an office, a school, a gym and a whole lot more. So, why not design your home to suit your lifestyle, the way it has become in 2021? Whether you just got used to doing everything from home, or this pandemic lasts for a while (or heaven forbid again YIKES) – maybe it’s time to invest in your space!

 We have outlined a few ways to make it a whole lot easier to quarantine in your home (even when it’s on purpose), while adding that extra value to your space!



Let’s be serious….the gym scene has changed a lot. From cancelled classes, time slots and no childcare (will that EVER come back?) – it has become increasingly more difficult to get your sweat sessions in. Your workouts might be happening on living room floor, a run around your block or on that “Peloton Bike” that is sitting awkwardly in a spare bedroom.

Maybe it’s time to take back your workout routine, and create your OWN space. Having your own home gym is not only a last resort, but can also turn into a real positive for your home! Plus, it’s open 24/7 and there is no commute! 


Some of us have gotten used to working from home so much, that there might not even be a need to go back to the office. Plus, if it’s your own company, you might want to save on renting the commercial space while investing in your own home!

We can help you create an office that WORKS for you! So, you don’t have to develop any long-term issues from slouching on the living room couch.


There has never been a better time to indulge in some “self-care”. 2021 has already been stressful enough for everyone, so why not make your home an oasis?

With steam showers and countless soaker tub options – there are so many ways to transform your bathroom into a stay-at-home-spa! Plus, it’s a great selling feature to any future buyer.


Take back control of your weekends, with a SWEET basement at your disposal. Instead of hitting up a movie theatre, why not create one in your home? Instead of meeting your friends out for a cocktail, why not create your own cocktail bar?

There are countless options on creating the perfect basement retreat to suit you and your family’s needs, plus a developed basement with ALL the perks will add a lot of value to your home, and a bigger livable square footage.


No matter what your plans are for your home, Woolrich Group will work WITH you to create your dream space. From the overall plan, design and construction, Woolrich Group is a one-stop-shop that will take your wants and needs and develop something even you couldn’t imagine for your home!


Give us a call to start the conversation, it’s time to make the most out of your HOME! 

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